Nitro Strength depend on drugs or surgery as an intervention and kind of follow a healthy natural approach right they seven percent or more of all of your behaviors only three percent is where you make the decisions about your lifestyle the foods you eat the exercise you do whether or not you take supplements of the subconscious mind should be the main focus for them to accomplish an 80% success rate or higher just by doing it for about a week or two of using these scripts you see at the top can you see what that says there this is a nurko by the way who wrote the book as supreme influencer and she wrote about me in her book but I've been using these practices of hypnosis timeline therapy I know you love meditation can you comment a little bit about the importance of how do we integrate people to be consistent because it's consistent behavior you wouldn't brush your teeth once a month and kiss a girl well you you want work out of the gym once in a month and expect muscles you you wouldn't take a bath once in a year and think that you're gonna remain clean you've got to clean your mind you've got to think these